Feedback form

Please give honest feedback. Don’t be afraid to be critical. It can be anonymous.

• What were your feelings when watching this video or these videos?

• And your thoughts?

• Did you see yourself in what Nuñez expresses?

• What do you think of Cristina Nuñez as an artist?

• And as a person?

• Would you choose her as a partner? Why?

• Do you think she’ll find her partner this way? Why?

• What advice would you give her?

• Tell us about your own love stories.

• Tell us about your wishes and desires, concerning love.

• Would you like to search your perfect partner like Nuñez?


Produced in 2013 – Duration 51′ 10″
If you click on The Films you can find the trilogy cut in short video clips. If you prefer you can watch it whole here.
English subtitles
For Spanish subtitles click here